Journal Articles and Summaries

Lachowsky NJ, Dulai J, Cui Z, Sereda P, Rich A, Patterson TL, Corneil T, Montaner JSG, Roth EA, Hogg RS, Moore DM Lifetime Doctor-Diagnosed Mental Health Conditions and Current Substance Use among Gay and Bisexual Men Living in Vancouver, Canada. Substance Use & Misuse, 2017. TandFonline
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Card KG, Lachowsky NJ, Cui Z, Carter A, Armstrong H, Shurgold S, Moore D, Hogg RS, Roth EA. A Latent Class Analysis of Seroadaptation Among Gay and Bisexual Men Archives of Sexual Behavior., 2016. Springer
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Card KG, Lachowsky NJ, Cui Z, Shurgold S, Gislason M, Forrest JI, Rich AJ, Moore D, Roth E, Hogg RS. Exploring the Role of Sex-seeking Apps and Websites in the Social and Sexual lives of Gay, Bisexual, and other Men who have Sex with Men: A Cross-sectional Study Recruited Using Respondent-Driven Sampling. Sexual Health, 2016. CSIRO
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Lachowsky NJ, Tanner Z, Cui Z, Sereda P, Rich A, Jollimore J, Montaner JS, Hogg RS, Moore DM, Roth EA. An Event-Level Analysis of Condom Use During Anal Intercourse Among Self-Reported Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Negative Gay and Bisexual Men in a Treatment as Prevention Environment. Sexually Transmitted Diseases., 2016. PubMed
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Lachowsky NJ, Sorge JT, Raymond HF, Cui Z, Sereda P, Rich A, Roth EA, Hogg RS, Moore DM. Does size really matter? A sensitivity analysis of number of seeds in a respondent-driven sampling study of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada. BMC Medical Research Methodology., 2016. PMC
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