Surveillance – HPV

Gilbert M, Kwag M, Rank C, Kropp r, Severini A, van Niekerk D, Zhou C, Press N, Oglivie G, Wong T: ManCount Study Team. Feasibility of incorporating self-collected rectal swabs into a community venue-based survey to measure the prevalence of HPV infection in men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Dis. 2011 Oct;38(10): 964-9.
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C. Rank, M. Gilbert, M. Kwag, A. Severini, D. Van Niekerk, S. Ogunnalike-Cooke. R. Kropp, R. Gustafson, D. Moore, G. Ogilvie and the ManCount Survey Team. Prevalance of rectal human papillomavirus Infection among men who have sex with men in Vancouver. Poster presentation at 26th International Papillomavirus Conference, Montreal, Quebec. July 3-8, 2010.

M. Gilbert, M. Kwag, D. Van Niekerk, C. Zhou, N. Press, B. Hogg, R. Gustafson, D. Paquette, R. Kropp, G. Ogilvie and the ManCount Study Team. Adequacy of self collected anal cytology swabs incorporated in a venue-based survey of HIV and risk behaviours among MSM. Poster presented at the 19th International Society for STD Research Conference, London UK, June 28-July 1, 2009.

M. Gilbert, M. Kwag, E. Druyts, P. Banks, R. Marchand, T. Trussler, D. Paquette, R. Kropp, RS. Hogg, R. Gustafson & the ManCount Study Team. ManCount 2008: The feasibility of including self-collected anal swabs in the M-Track second-generation HIV surveillance system. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Vancouver BC, April 23-26, 2009.
