Oral Presentations

Forrest JI and Card K. Is there an app for that? Health, outcomes and associated clinical and community-based interventions for gay and bisexual men who use online social networking technology. 12th Annual Gay Men’s Health Summit (GMHS); 2016 November 9-10; Vancouver, Canada.

Birch R, Jollimore J, Howard T, Rich A, and Roth EA. Party, Play and Protection within the context of Group Sex Events (GSE). 10th Annual Gay Men’s Health Summit (GMHS); 2014 October 29-31; Vancouver, Canada.
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Carter A, Rich A, Lachowsky NJ, Forrest J, Sereda P, Cui Z, Chan K, Roth EA, Moore DM, Kaida A, Montaner JS, and Hogg RS. Advancing Gay Men’s Health Literacy: Awareness and Knowledge of Treatment as Prevention (TasP) among HIV-positive and HIV-negative gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in British Columbia, Canada. 10th Annual Gay Men’s Health Summit (GMHS); 2014 October 29-31; Vancouver, Canada.
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Roth EA, Chan K, Forrest J, Hogg RS, Howard T, Jollimore J, Lal A, Moore DM, and Rich A. The Application of Positive Deviance to Gay Men’s Health: Initial Findings & Future Research. 9th Annual Gay Men’s Health Summit (GMHS); 2013 November 7-8; Vancouver, Canada.

Rich A, Forrest J, Lal A, Howard T, Hogg RS, Moore DM, and Roth EA. The Socio-Cultural Context of Substance Use among Gay Communities in Vancouver, BC. 9th Annual Gay Men’s Health Summit (GMHS); 2013 November 7-8; Vancouver, Canada.
